Open Call

Every Tuesday night in the second half of 2021, this year’s Emergent Berlin Festival provides a platform for people and projects to reconnect, reflect on and share our collective and individual experiences and strategies.

All local projects working to contribute to the transformation towards sustainability in Berlin and beyond are invited to participate. The setting is open and informal, so you’re warmly invited to join us whether your idea/initiative is still in its early stages or already well-established. 

Here’s how you can get involved:

Choose a month & theme Each month, we will focus on a different area of sustainable action.

Month #1 – July

Local Projects & Personal Sustainability

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Where are we at, personally? What can we learn from the pandemic about personal sustainability? How can we step up our personal actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation in our neighborhoods, Berlin and beyond? (Application deadline: June 10th)


Month #2 – August

Local Projects & Ecological Sustainability

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Where are we at, ecologically? What can we learn from the pandemic about ecological sustainability? How can we step up our ecological actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation in our neighborhoods, Berlin and beyond? (Application deadline: July 10th)


Month #3 – September

Local Projects & Aesthetic Sustainability

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Where are we at, aesthetically? What can we learn from the pandemic about aesthetic sustainability? How can we step up our aesthetic actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation in our neighborhoods, Berlin and beyond? (Application deadline: August 10th)


Month #4 – October

Local Projects & Cultural Sustainability

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Where are we at, culturally? What can we learn from the pandemic about cultural sustainability? How can we step up our cultural actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation in our neighborhoods, Berlin and beyond? (Application deadline: September 10th)


Month #5 – November

Local Projects & Economic Sustainability

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Where are we at, economically? What can we learn from the pandemic about economic sustainability? How can we step up our economic actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation in our neighborhoods, Berlin and beyond? (Application deadline: October 10th)


Month #6 – December

Local Projects & Social Sustainability

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Where are we at, socially? What can we learn from the pandemic about social sustainability? How can we step up our aesthetic actions to combat climate change and accelerate positive transformation in our neighborhoods, Berlin and beyond? (Application deadline: November 10th)


Choose a format How do you want to participate?

Project Presentations

Give a short (5 15 min.) presentation to share your project’s current state, learnings, needs, resources and strategies (incl. Q&A)


Host a 30 90 min. skillshare or knowledge transfer workshop that seeks to inspire others and help them take action.

Campfire Stories

Participate in a conversational 90 min. panel discussion to share your stories and engage in an exciting dialogue with other local projects.

To apply, write us a short email!

Which month, theme and format resonate with you? What is your idea/initiative/project about (add website or socials links if possible)? What type of content would you like to contribute?

Just a few sentences that answer the three questions above, we don’t need a long and polished application text. We will get back to you within a week! 

Note: If you’re not sure where your idea could fit in, we’re also happy to bounce ideas off each other in a quick call upon request.