Inka Lange

Inka Lange

Berlin Food Policy Council

Inka has been living in Berlin for seven years and appreciates the peaceful togetherness of many different cultures, religions and ideas about life in this city. She likes to meet people from all over the world and create something together that is much bigger than she could ever do alone. Therefore, she lives in a multi-generation and intercultural house.

Inka is a development politician, ethnologist and trained mediator and has been working with the topics of nutrition, migration and climate in Germany and Westafrica for many years.

For the past two years, Inka has been working for the Berlin Food Policy Council. In doing so, she wants to ensure that everyone, regardless of their country of origin or income, can afford delicious, healthy, sustainable and regional food. The Berlin Food System is influenced by immigrant communities, a vibrant food manufacturing scene, as well as a multifaceted food supply that suits many different food habits and cultures. This international scene allows new, enriching perspectives for an ecological and sustainable food system. The Berlin Food Policy Council brings everyone together at one table and in an effort to create a culturally diverse food transition for all.

All Sessions by Inka Lange

Project Presentations 5. Oktober 2021
19:30 - 21:00

Project Presentations: Cultural Sustainability

Das Baumhaus